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Sewer Line Clean-Out Services in NJ

At Certified Sewer and Drain, we understand the importance of maintaining the sewer line on your property. Serving Passaic County, Essex County, and Bergen County in New Jersey, our focus is on ensuring that homeowners have seamless access to their sewer systems for both diagnostics and cleaning. A sewer clean-out is a critical part of this process. It's really just semantics for ‘sewer' or ‘hydro jetting' services we provide throughout Bergen County, Essex County or Passaic County, New Jersey.

When we get a call and a customer is asking specifically about a “sewer clean-out”, more often than not; we'll be dealing with a severe blockage. If you are having this very issue, then you've definitely come to the right place. For decades we have never met a clog or blockage that could not be 100% eliminated!

What is a sewer line clean-out?

A sewer line clean-out will involve our team of experienced plumbers gaining access to your main sewer line to inspect and destroy any blockages. We have equal parts experience working with residential properties such as houses or apartments and commercial properties of all kinds or sizes.

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Serving Northern, NJ & Bergen County

All phases of drain unclogging, sewer line cleaning, repair, rooting, jetting and emergency plumbing available throughout Bergen County, NJ & Northern New Jersey.

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What is a sewer clean-out for?

Once we are able to gain access to your main sewer line, we need to understand the current state of your pipes. Clogs or blockages can be the results of a wide variety of factors. For commercial facilities with on-going usage, blockages will definitely be more frequent.

For residential properties, it could be anything from tree roots growing inside the lines or years upon years of gradual material buildup of which was never flushable to begin with. Whatever the issue is, please don't panic. We have daily experience with just about any clog imaginable.

How does a plumber clear a sewer line?

At Certified Sewer and Drain, we have a large selection plumbing tools suitable for all types of drain or sewer clogs. But rest assured, due to the size and nature of a sewer pipe, we will probably be providing your residence or property with high pressure water jetting.

Imagine a large truck with a pressurized water tank, industrial hoses and a plethora of nozzles which are so powerful, they can cut through years of sediment, waste or other materials trapped inside of a sewer line.

What we'll do is inspect your piping via a live HD video sewer camera to find out what we are dealing with. We will be more than happy to show you everything that's going on in realtime. Once we can see what is causing the obstruction, our sewer clean-out specialists will polish your main sewer line as if it were brand new!

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How often do you have to clear your sewer line?

It's recommended and common knowledge that you should have an inspection done at least; every eighteen to twenty two months. Due to the ever-growing nature of tree roots, jetting will be a good idea. By proactively keeping your main sewer line under watch, you are saving a load of money. The cost to repair or replace a sewer line is tremendous in New Jersey. Allow us to help protect your wallet from completely unnecessary costs.  

Sewer Inspections With Cameras

As mentioned above, we love to educate new customers and show them exactly why their experiencing issues with their plumbing. Think of any other service out there, how many can show you in real-time exactly why something has become a problem?

On top of this, we do talk a big game when it comes to our hyro jetting services and like to show our customers giant piles of tree roots, sediment, and any other type of jammed materials being obliterated by our jetting professionals.

Identifying Common Issues Before Clearing Your Sewer Out of Waste and Roots

The reason you need is a sewer clean-out could be due to the health or age of your main sewer line, tree root growth, mineralization over time and non-flushable materials that have built up into a super clog.

Thanks to our sewer scoping solutions and TV inspection equipment, you can have a first hand look at identification of the problem. There are so many new customers we meet that are shocked by the condition of their sewer line. In many cases when purchasing a new home, many don't obtain a sewer inspection and end up inherting the previous owner's problems.

In cases like this, we're bound to see wild tree root growth all over the place. It's not an emergency if it's contained and maintaned consistently but left unchecked and you are asking for trouble. Tree roots are not something that go away, they will keep growing with no regard for your pipes. This will create cracks, crevices, holes and more. Eventually, your sewer piping will be so badly damaged, you will need to spend a fortune to completely replace it.

Proactive Sewer Cleanups To Protect Your Wallet

We specialize in comprehensive unclogging, cleaning and restoration for sewer lines all over Northern, NJ. Our job is trying to protect you and one of the first things you will hear from us is just how unnecessary repair or replacement of a sewer line is especially since maintenance was the only factor required.

We specialize in scheduled maintenance for residential and commercial properties alike. You can count on us to keep things in tip top shape so you can avoid the nightmare of having to invest digging up the soil on your propery to lay new sewer piping.

Sewer clean-out Locations

When maintaining homes in Passaic County, Essex County, or Bergen County, New Jersey, understanding the location of your sewer clean-out is crucial. It could be located in the utility room, along with areas like a bathroom or garage. A sewer clean-out gives Certified Sewer and Drain plumbers access to your sewer line to clear blockages and perform maintenance.

Main Sewer Line Access

In New Jersey’s varied climate conditions, it’s important to locate the main sewer line access. Only plumbing professionals should access and use the sewer clean-out to prevent costly repairs and complications.

A Y-shaped pipe fitting and a metal cover to protect the access point identify many homes in our primary service areas as having an exterior sewer clean-out.

For homes on a slab foundation, the clean-out typically will be close to the home, potentially nestled in grass or near bushes to blend in with the landscaping.

Our team has the expertise to precisely pinpoint these clean-outs, enabling us to promptly resolve any sewer line problems our clients may encounter.

Lateral Sewer Line Access

The lateral sewer line is another critical point of access during sewer maintenance, and its clean-out may be located indoors.

Homes in colder regions of New Jersey, like those we service in Passaic, Essex, and Bergen counties, might have their lateral sewer line cleaned out inside to prevent freezing.

This is typically found in lower levels of the home, such as basements or utility areas.

Tracking this line from under sinks or other drainage points will usually lead to the lateral clean-out, allowing our Certified Sewer and Drain experts to service your needs with minimal disruption to your household. It is crucial to have plumbing professionals handle the lateral sewer line clean-out to avoid costly repairs and ensure efficient drainage systems.

Frequently Asked Questions We Get About Sewer Cleanouts

Identifying a sewer cleanout cover is crucial for maintenance and emergency access. We recognize these covers as capped pipes sticking a few inches above the ground or flush with the grass, typically with a round or rectangular shape. In many New Jersey homes, the cover is marked with “Sewer” or “Cleanout” for easy identification, facilitating swift location when services are needed.
Our clients often wonder about the presence of water in a sewer cleanout. It’s important to understand that some water in the cleanout pipe is normal, as it reflects the water level of your main sewer line. However, if you notice full or overflowing cleanout, it may indicate a blockage, signalling the need for immediate inspection and potential sewer cleaning services to prevent backups.
Homes without a sewer cleanout face challenges in accessing the main sewer line for inspections, cleanings, and repairs. When obstructions arise, the lack of a cleanout can complicate and delay the process of restoring proper drainage, potentially leading to invasive procedures and increased costs for homeowners in Bergen County and beyond.
When installing a sewer cleanout, several considerations come into play. We always ensure compliance with the local building codes and regulations. The installation location should be easily accessible for Certified Sewer & Drain technicians and protected from accidental damage. Proper elevation and secure fitting are crucial to avoid leaks and ensure accessibility for effective maintenance.
Yes, a property may have multiple sewer cleanouts, and often for good reason. Multi-level homes, extensive properties, or complex plumbing systems in Passaic County might necessitate additional cleanouts for better access to different sections of the sewer line. This simplifies maintenance, clog resolution, and allows for segmental assessments of the sewage system.
For most residential properties in Essex County, NJ, and the surrounding areas, the sewer cleanout is commonly located on the lateral sewer line connecting the house to the municipal sewer system. Typically, it’s found outside the home, a few feet from the foundation wall, and ideally, in a straight line from where the main drain exits the house to facilitate straightforward access for sewer inspection and drain cleaning services.

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